
Since it was founded on 11 October 1988, the Sabino Arana Fundazioa (SAF) has strived to showcase our history and its preservation and dissemination. Our aim is always to keep the collection up to date and for our history to be read from the present. The emphasis is always on making an intellectual contribution so that the Basque Country continues to progress from a progressive, democratic and national approach.

We therefore draw on four main instruments: the forum for reflection and debate, Hermes - the history and philosophy magazine, the Museum of Basque Nationalism and the Historical Archive.


The Sabino Arana Fundazioa Board is made up of:

Chair Mireia Zarate Agirre, since 20/04/2016
Graduate in Business Administration and Management. Master's Degree in Auditing.

Vice president Ainara Zelaia Markaida, since 15/10/2023

Treasurer Aitor Alzola Martínez de Antoñana, since 16/04/2012

Secretary Ignacio Etxeberria Olañeta, since 28/02/2008
Economist lawyer.


  • Miren Azkarate Villar, since 15/10/2023. Professor of Basque Philology.
  • Koro Garmendia Galbete, since 15/10/2023. Graduate in Philosophy and Literature.
  • Mikel Hidalgo Bordegarai, since 15/10/2023. Graduate in Business Administration and Management.
  • Asier Barandiaran Amarika, since 27/07/2023. Doctor in Basque Philology from the UPV.
  • Daniel Camblong, since 27/07/2023. Veterinarian and co-founder of the Ikastola of Hasparren.

Foundation Staff

  • Aitor Bikandi Sagarminaga: Press officer.
  • Marian Moreno Royo: Responsible for the Museum of Nationalism.
  • Iñaki Goiogana Mendiguren: Responsible for the Nationalism Archive.
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